====== Timecapsule ====== I setup a timecapsule server that is capable of receiving your osx backups. Dutiful coworkers with a macbook/imac can setup their proprietary timemachine (included in macos and freely available) to store their backups on this timecapsule. Beside the backup you can use your disk space as [[fileserver]]. ===== Costs: It's for free ===== Currently this service is free but you have to bring your own backup target (see disk recommendations above) Additionally it's possible to share the space between the coworkers (please talk to: claudia kanz, gerd roider, werner haring and wolfgang tonninger (alphabetically ordered)). ===== Security ===== Your backup is as secure as your encryption password. The backup server is not in a very safe environment so please keep that you have to encrypt your data. Luckily the time machine provides encryption natively: you have to choose a secure password that your TimeMachine uses to encrypt your data and afterwards uploads it to the TimeCapsule. If you loose this password, you lost your backup. There's no way to recover it. On the other hand: It's very hard (let's say impossible) for an attacker to steal your data from your encrypted backup. ===== Disk recommendation ===== Please buy a server-graded [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_ATA|sata harddisk]] (that runs 24/7/365). To get more in detail you could buy a Western Digital NAS Storage Disk (about 120EUR for 3TB of diskspace). Check [[http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B008JJLW4M/ref=s9_simh_gw_p147_d0_i1?pf_rd_m=A3JWKAKR8XB7XF&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=1057B8PBT3YRVBQZXS0R&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=455353687&pf_rd_i=301128|this on Amazon]]. Disks with less than 3TB capacity are not energy-efficient any more so please consider buying at least 3TB (and share the unsued bytes). If your startup already grewed up already you're of course welcome to buy a [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid-state_drive|SSD drive]] for your backups. ===== How to get access ===== Just bring armin a recent (3TB or more) . Ask armin if there's currently some space on the timecapsule that is available. If there is, ===== Space considerations ===== Let's say you have a recent macbook with an internal 256SSD (this is the most common case here in the coworkingspace salzburg). Most of theses drives are very well utilized so imagine that 180GB are used and you'd like to fill up the remaining space with some videos, stuff from your customers so the usage will be around 100%. In this case a backupspace of 256GB + some extra would be great. 500GB could backup your whole system plus some changes in your files. 500GB drives are old: They're slow, so it's perfect to grab one of the mentioned 3TB WDC Red (see above) and share all the additional space. A good strategy could be: 3TB shared into two 1,5TB partitions that can be used by two coworkers. Let's say you have a macbook with an internal 1TB disk (they were sold before 2011) and you'd like to utilize all the availble space (so you have 800Gigs of photos), then you'd most likely want own 1TB backupspace and some extra (let's say 500gigs) to store all the changes you're going to make on your local disk. So 1,5TB of backupspace would be great for your needs. ===== Setup Instructions ===== **Please make sure that no anti virus software is running**! Otherwise the time machine backup stalls and the time machine losses permissions to continue your backup. {{:coworking_timecapsule_2012.pdf|}} [[Zugangsdaten E-Mail]]