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COWORKINGSALZBURG - HOW TO UNLOCK THE DOORS? ====== SSH Access (both mobile and desktop) ====== Both glas door and wooden door can be unlocked by ssh. They are connected to the same relais, so as the first door opens the second opens as well (they are not controlled independently). **How to retreive credentials (virtual door key)? ** **Requirements:** ssh client: most smart phone provide ssh apps. Please note that this app must provide public/private key support. We recommend "[[|connectbot]]" for android and "[[|termius]]" for ios devices. **Credentials** hostname: tcp port: 22 (Standard) username: romy or armin will send you your username (or request your favourite username) password: no password, you'll have to provide your public key. Please keep in mind that you'll have to send your public key to us and keep your private key secret all time (even for romy or armin). If you loose your device (private key), please let us know to deny further access w/ your old key. **HOW TO...** Here's a quick tutorial for ios termius: 1. Please download app from app store, launch: {{::img_7266.png?200|}} 2. Generate new keypair (if you dont have one) and export per e-mail to or {{::img_7269.png?200|}} 3. Add host {{::img_7265.png?200|}} 4. After adding host, it should look like this: {{::img_7271.png?200|}} 5. Test {{::img_7264.png?200|}} You should see "door is now open" (or similar). If that string appears, you're set. congrats! ====== NFC Access (via Card) ====== {{:img_7975.jpg?400|}} Armin has been working on a new door-opening system. (I call it Arm-In) It is a small chip that guarantees more security due to access identification, easier maintenance for Romy and as an additional benefit a really cool state-of-the-art appearance :-) {{:images.jpeg?300|}} You can use almost any of your modern bank cards (visa, maestro, mastercard, vpay) and even younger metro (distributor) cards as door key at coworkingsalzburg. Most of these cards have a nfc logo printed on it. For opening the door it's just necessary to place your wallet on the reader and you're done. You don't even have to pull your card out of your wallet. Setup your bank card just by placing it on the nfc reader located at the main door and request access (e.g. per e-mail). Please include date and time of placement in your request and that's it. {{:contactlessindicator.jpg?100|}} I'm sure you're allowed to ask Eva-maria Brunnauer, Werner Haring, Robert Kohlhuber, Matthias E Zeitler or David Trapp how they use their keys. ==== Request access with your own nfc card ==== 1. Place your card just on the NFC reader located at the main door at coworkingsalzburg. 2. Send an (informal) e-mail to romy or armin and request nfc access with the exact date and time of placement, e.g. "hello armin, placed my nfc tag today at 6.48pm. regards, coworker x" 3. Await approval (it will take some hours) 4. After approval just place your wallet just on the NFC reader and the door will open. ==== This is how it works ==== there is a small circuit board on the wall next to our main entrance door of the OFFICE (not the building). The area where you should swipe the chip (up to 10cm distance will work) in the picture attached. You will receive a chip from Romy that you have to swipe over this board to open the door. It also has the functionality to count your entries in case you have a 10-times-pass for the office. We will have two different versions: one for fix-coworkers and one for flex-coworkers For Fixcoworkers: your chip will work 24/7 for one year (365 days). You can swipe it over the board if the door it closed, otherwise you can of course just enter the office. When the 365 days are almost reached, you will be notified by email to remind you to get a new one. For Flex coworkers: the chip does not only open the door but also counts your entries and sends you an email to help keep track of the status of your 10-times pass. It is your own responsibility - appealing to your honestly - to swipe over the chip. Romy will receive an email per „swipe“ and therfor will always know the status of your ticket – please keep track yourself and ask Romy if you are not sure and if you need to purchase a new one. Don't worry if you swipe it twice a day - only the first time will be counted! The chip for flexis is valid during the office hours from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday and for a time period of 6 month. Security Deposit & Renewal: This chip/door opening system is easier to maintain but does produce some costs. Therefor you will have to make a small security deposit of €10 per chip. If you give back the chip at some point you will get it back - if you loose your chip and need an additional one, the €10 are lost and additional €10 have to be paid. If you simply do not return the chip the €10 will be held back. At the time your chip is not valid anymore (e.g. the 10-times-pass is used completely, or the 6 month/ 365 days are reached) you can get a new one from Romy in exchange of the void chip. There are no additional costs for that. Each chip will be identified by a serial number in the IT-system. This serial number is tied to you in person. Please report any missing/lost chips so we can set it to void in the system. This guarantees, that nobody else can use your chip. ====== PIN Code ====== At the front door you can enter a PIN code to gain access to both the outer and the inner door. After entering a correct PIN code both door will open for about one minute. A text indicating that the door unlocked successfully will be prompted onscreen. Please let romy or armin know your PIN code to gain access.

door.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/01 23:36 (external edit)