{literal} {/literal}

New good practice

Name of the good practice {$error_name}
Language of project description {$error_language}
Abstract (max. 2000 characters) {$error_abstract}
Hyperlink to the good practice {$error_hyperlink}
Main issue addressed by the good practice  
Secondary issues addressed (select max 4) {html_checkboxes name="secondary_issues" options=$issue_checkboxes selected=$issue_checkboxes_selected separator="
Indicators showing achieved/expected results of the good practice (max 100 characters)  
Organization's name (project owner) {$error_contactperson_organisation}
Hyperlink to the organization {$error_contactperson_organisation_link}
Name of the contactperson {$error_contactperson_name}
E-mail address of the contactperson {$error_contactperson_email}
Your (the submitter's) organization's name (will not be published) {$error_user_organisation}
Your (the submitter's) organization's link (will not be published) {$error_user_organisation_link}
Your (the submitter's) name (will not be published) {$error_user_name}
Your (the submitter's) email address (will not be published) {$error_user_email}
Sector targeted {html_checkboxes name="sectors" options=$sectors selected=$sectors_selected separator="
Domain {$error_domain}
Economic perspective addressed {$error_econcomic_perspective_addressed}
Environmental perspective addressed {$error_environmental_perspective_addressed}
Social perspective addressed {$error_social_perspective_addressed}
Project status  
If reviewed by an external party: name the expert {$error_reviewed_by_expert}
Country of 1st/main implementation {$error_country}
Useful links, comment  

{if $project_id gt 0}


Please use the following rating scheme:

{$lead.firstname} {$lead.lastname}
{$reviewer.firstname} {$reviewer.lastname}
    {if $user_id == $lead.id }
This is your column{/if}
{if $user_id == $reviewer.id }
This is your column{/if}
Submission Form complete and in English, Spanish, French or German?
Significant for economic sustainability?      
Significant for environmental sustainability?  
Significant for social sustainability?      
Is the information provided coming from a reliable source?  
Are there at least 3 relevant indicators covering at least 2 of the 3 perspectives?  
Internal comment  

I approve this new good practice

Please note: both leader's and reviewer's approval must be given to publish this NGP




Prepare a deposited feedback email for the submitter (currently not implemented)

The E-Mail is sent ony once after the Reviewer finished her/his rating process.

Leads and Reviewers

{foreach name=aussen item=kontakt from=$persons} {/foreach}
Issue Lead Reviewer
{$kontakt.name} {$kontakt.afirstname} {$kontakt.alastname} {$kontakt.bfirstname} {$kontakt.blastname}

Language Support

Support for Spanish Ruperto, Silvio
Support for French Brigitte, Theo
Support for German Ira, Georges
Support for English Bina, Doug
